
Aaron, <50 years old (USA/NL): While not the type of genre of book I tend to read, once I got past the introductions of the characters and the topics, I found it a genuinely enjoyable book to read. I think this type of book would do well as a movie as well. The descriptive nature of the language and fantasy/fiction used inside the story lend itself to a wondrous type of saga, and remind me of the one about ‘a boy who does something else like swing a magic stick’ but in a later life and setting. Because of the little spiritual nature of the story and the small lessons that are expressed or taught to you, if absent until now, throughout the story make it a good candidate to remind us of what we all hopefully learned already and knew about a time ago.

Vicky, 31 years old (NL): For my work I read a lot of books in all kinds of genres, but mostly I like fantasy stories. At first I had some reluctance to pick up and read this book, thinking it would be for children. Eventually, at Christmas 2020 I started and was so completely surprised by the story that I finished the book in 1 afternoon. Hadn't expected at all that I would like it that much. Even as an adult you are completely drawn into the graphic story, so you forget the world around you for a moment. Not childish at all, but it did make me feel somewhat like a child again. On to part 2 !

Christophe, 17 years old (NL): Yes, nice story. Reminded me a little bit of the story about the little people and the wizard who went to reconquer their kingdom inside the mountain.

Jacqie, 19 years old (NL): At first I wasn’t sure if the book would be all that good. Not because of anything I knew but because I have never read anything by an Indie publisher. But the world really captivated me and the story progressed in such a surprising way, that I couldn’t help but love it. To top it off, a nice mystery too!

Jenny, 32 years old (UK/NL):I love fantasy tales, this one's absolutely brilliant! The story surprised me even though I've read a lot of books. The title is cleverly chosen. It doesn't just refer to the name of the world Seb ends up in, but the story actually shows love for everything: people, nature, the earth. The plot challenges you to keep reading, it's funny and there's some romance going on. In short: a good mixture of qualities. I believe that this story is fun for all ages, in fact I've read it together with my 7-year-old. His reaction was: 'Mum, I wish I had magical eyes like Seb!' The story is complete, despite the cliff-hanger at the end. We can't wait to read the sequel, so hopefully it will be released soon? Do yourselves a favour and read this book!!

Malgosia, 50+ years old (Poland): It's been ages since I've read a fantasy story so when I got it from a friend, I was a bit hesitant if it's right for me. The doubts disappeared quickly - the book made me feel young again :-) It's an easy read, the action moves on very quickly, with plenty of sudden twists and surprises. The main character is somebody I think a lot of teenagers will identify with and the world created by the authors is interesting, genuine and powerful enough to take your thoughts away from daily routines... Fun read for young and young at heart!

Vesna (Bosnia) and Mersa (NL), both 50+ years old: Fantastic story. Lots of fun to read!

Lidewij, 15 years old: I found L.O.V.E. and the secret of the magical eyes a sweet and nice story because it is not as violent as most popular series and such. Everything is well described, sometimes a little too much for my taste, but it did allow me to put myself in the story well. The way in which the main character changes, resembles a bit that of the man who has to choose between a blue and a red pill. I can't mention any names, so I say it like this. Also resembles a bit the story of the girl that falls down a hole. But it’s still a completely different story with all kinds of twists and turns. I like books that make you curious about the outcome, this is such a book. The fantasy and the characters are also very funny. Too bad that open end , I am curious though how it goes on! I'm a fan, love, Lidewij

Najah, 27 years old:I love fantasy stories and I find this a very nice but also beautiful story. It is written in an expressive and visual style. As a result I was immediately and completely into it. The L.O.V.E. world is full of very special areas and events that nobody knows anything about. I think it's fantastic that Seb ends up there because of his magical eyes. An exciting element in the story is that Seb shares his discovery with his friend. I find that the story is built up well up until the end and I felt anxious for answers along the way, just like Seb! I am a bit jealous of Seb's adventures and I am really looking forward to the sequel.

Marten, 16 years old: L.O.V.E. Is an imaginative book with wonderful locations and interesting characters. I especially liked the characters. I became curious how the story ended. Felt like genuine fantasy, not like a copy of other stories I know.

Maaike, 50 years old: Soon I was immersed in the magical world of Seb. The book is pleasant to read and before you know it you are in a wonderful world with different creatures and adventures. A world where it is exciting but where there is also a lot to see and do, which means that you want to move on quickly. It's good that the book was written so cinematically. I was tipped off by a friend to read the book even though I am not a "fantasy" reader. I'm glad I read on the back of the book that this is the first part of a series!

SandyJoan, 48 years old: A fun and fascinating story, with unexpected twists. The subject is very contemporary even though it is fantasy. The title not only has a concealed meaning, but it certainly represents the harmonic storylines. The story gets you so far that you almost start to believe in the existence of this wonderful world of fun creatures and events. The mystery of the magic eyes is clarified after a lot of excitement in a very beautiful way. Especially for those who believe in more than life here on earth, will not believe their luck with this story. Many could become jealous of the adventures of Seb with his magical eyes. I can recommend it!

Robbert, 47 years old: Well written story about Seb. He sees peculiar things and during his search for answers he ends up in a fantastic world full of strange and dangerous creatures. As a reader you are really taken on Seb's quest and you fall (together with Seb) from one surprise to the other. It remains exciting until the last page. Highly recommended for fantasy fans!

Wendel, 52 years old: I found that it’s a dynamically written book, you end up from one new situation to another. Because it is fantasy, it is full of strange creatures, dragons, and things that you actually think impossible, such as the existence of a unique country that has not yet been discovered. The nice thing is that it is also a bit of a historical story, because you go back in time. The denouement is also very exciting for the main character and his friends, because the secret of the magic eyes is finally solved. A must for the holiday!

Mieke, 83 years old:It had been a while since I had read an adventure book. It looks a bit like a fairy tale, but for teenagers and adults. The best thing I found was that the story is full of surprises and that a lot of respect is shown for people and beings who are different from others. It is described so precisely and realistically that you would almost truly believe the story! There is also a romantic storyline, which is extra fun. I think it is a book that could be placed on the reading list by schools. It represents a genre that is very popular. I hope there will be a sequel to the story of Seb and his peculiar friends.

Miranda, 31 years old (NL, English version read) L.O.V.E was a delightful book to read. Once grasped by the story, read it in full in a short time. I like to read fantasy books and this was certainly no dissapointment. The start up and introduction takes you into Seb's world. At the start it seems a bit long but then you quickly forget it when you go on adventure and you start to feel that you have become an unnoticed part of the world. The book has qualities of fantasy books with discoveries of new creatures, although this forms his own fantasy through the unique experience of Seb and his view on the world around him.

Roy, +50 years old (SUR/NL) To be honest, I am not a bookwurm, but after the reading of this book, I have the following to say: What an exciting story! You keep reading it. And it also inspires you to go and read other books. I have had a lot of reading pleasure with it!